Ravensong Page 14
He shrugged. “Who knows? I joined my brother’s band at seventeen. In a year, I’d convinced him to let me sing. Things went crazy from there. Our songs started selling, then we got picked up by an agent. He got us booked into bigger and bigger places. Being in LA, it didn’t take much before I started modeling for various things – shoes, clothing, even deodorant.” He gave her an uncomfortable smile. Elena returned it. “I was eighteen and women were throwing themselves at me. There was money and cars and a house. In a year, I went from straggly nobody to fame. They asked me to do bits in commercials and then movies, and then I got my first acting part. James always kept his head, but there was no stopping me. I couldn’t get enough, I couldn’t do enough. And I got burned out.”
Elena felt her stomach clench.
“At first they offer you an upper, just something to get you moving in the morning. Then it’s a downer, so you can sleep at night. Then a drink to loosen you up before you go on stage, then a snort of this to keep you up after the show.” He paused and his eyes drifted to Elena’s face. “It isn’t as far a leap to putting a needle in your arm as you think.”
“But James didn’t get caught up in it?”
“He drank too much, but once they started offering him drugs, he backed out real quick. It was already too late for me.”
“How did you hide it from him? From your parents?”
“I became a great liar, and I pulled away from them. Weeks would go by before I would contact them.”
“Nobody suspected anything?”
He gave a bitter laugh. “They did, but I was an adult by then, on my own. James and Evan tried to stop me. I can’t tell you how many fights we had over it.”
“How did it finally end?”
Ravensong fell silent and he looked at the ground. Elena wasn’t sure he was going to tell her any more, but he drew a deep breath and started speaking again.
“James and I got into a fight about my lifestyle and he left – went home. My step-father called me and told me my mother needed me. It was a trick to get me there. I went and they blocked the door, telling me that they wanted to get me help. I think the drug use was still a suspicion for them at the time, but when I started to leave, my sister grabbed my arm. I flinched because it hurt. I had track marks up the entire inside. She pulled my sleeve back and saw what I had done to myself. I’ll never forget the look on all of their faces. I thought my mother was going to drop dead right there.”
Elena realized she was covering her mouth with her hand. She removed it and placed it on his elbow. He looked at her fingers, then up into her eyes. “I ran out of the house and got into my car, but I was so high I couldn’t control it. I drove it right into the tree in my parents’ front yard.”
Elena’s grip tightened and he placed his hand over hers, running his thumb over the back. “When I came too, they were cutting the roof off the car. There was broken glass all around me and I was pinned under the steering wheel. A firefighter kept telling me to hang on. He was sitting in the passenger seat, holding my hand, but I couldn’t feel it. I was sure I was either paralyzed or dying.”
“How long were you in the hospital?”
“Months. I went into kidney failure. Ironically, my drug use made my veins so fragile that they had a hell of a time giving me dialysis. And then came rehab and my suicide attempt. My daughter was born before I got out. I wasn’t even there to see her entry into the world. For so long, I was scared that my drug use would have some affect on her.”
“But she’s perfect, right?”
“No ill effects that we know of, but that doesn’t mean something won’t show up later in life.”
“I know how much you adore her.”
“She’s the reason I didn’t try to kill myself again. I probably would have if it hadn’t been for her.”
“Did you really want to die?”
He shook his head. “I don’t know. Sometimes I did. I saw how badly I was hurting my family and I was so ashamed. I can’t even imagine what they went through, and then I felt so guilty for what I might have done to my daughter. No drug addict wants to be the way they are. They’re ashamed of their weakness and hate themselves because of it.”
“You were only nineteen.”
“That doesn’t matter.” He motioned to the rest of the band members. “Don’t let this life get a hold of you, Elena. It’ll kill you no matter how old you are.”
* * *
Elena stood beside Julian, surveying the stadium they were to perform in that night. It was the largest she’d seen so far and the event’s planner was telling Julian the show was sold out. Elena had never seen Julian so happy. He was even laughing, something she’d never heard him do before.
And yet, something was bothering her. She moved away from the two men and down the stairs leading to the field. Opening the security gate, she descended onto the field. On the stage the band was running through their usual routine, checking the sound and tuning their instruments.
Walking toward them, Elena couldn’t understand why she was feeling so apprehensive. Everyone was excited about the show. This one event proved that Avalanche had made it to the big time. No one could say they were just a flavor of the week any longer.
She stopped before the barrier separating the audience from the stage and looked up at Ravensong. He gave her a wink, then went back to testing the microphones. She smiled at him. He was the reason for Avalanche’s success – his talent and perfectionism had catapulted them into a permanent place in music history. Leaning her arm on the barrier, she rested her chin on her wrist and absorbed the energy pulsating all around her. He was right. This life could be intoxicating. It was certainly more exciting than any other job she’d ever held. At this moment, she couldn’t think of a single place she’d rather be.
“Excuse me, Elena,” came a voice beside her and Elena backed up as Alec climbed the barrier and dropped into the dead space between it and the stage. Then he jumped and caught the top of the stage, hoisting himself onto it.
Elena’s eyes widened and the anxiety she’d been feeling caught in her throat. Turning, she hurried back across the field and up the stairs to the security gate. Nearly running, she stopped in front of Julian.
“The barrier and the stage are both too low,”she said.
Julian’s eyes whipped to her face and the event planner turned, offering her a frown.
“I just saw one of the roadies hop the barrier and climb...”
Julian’s expression hardened and he gave her a shake of his head.
“Julian, listen to me...”
“That’s enough, Elena.” He forced a smile for the stadium event planner. “I don’t know what she’s talking about, but everything looks wonderful.”
“I can assure you that security is our top priority,” said the man.
“We aren’t doubting that for a moment,” offered Julian quickly.
“Wait a minute,” said Elena, but Julian reached out and grabbed her arm, hauling her up beside him.
“Forgive my assistant, Arthur. She’s new to the business and this is her first tour.”
“Not a problem.”
“If you don’t mind, I think we’re needed at the sound check.”
“Of course,” said the event planner. He shook Julian’s hand, then climbed the stairs toward the upper level.
Julian waited until he was out of ear shot, then he began circling the stadium, pulling Elena along beside him. “Did you want to insult him, Elena?” he said through clenched teeth.
Elena pulled out of his grasp and faced him. “Insult him? What are you talking about? That barrier is too short.” She waved toward the stage, but Julian snatched her arm down.
“Knock it off.” He took a step closer to her and glared into her eyes. “You’re going to ruin everything.”
“I’m trying to protect the band.”
“The band will be protected. That’s why we have security patrolling between the barrier and the stage. Now listen to me. Thi
s concert is very important and nothing is going to ruin it.”
“I know.”
“Do you? Because you don’t act like you do.”
“I know it’s the biggest concert Avalanche has played.”
Julian made a disparaging noise. “As if that were it. This concert is where the whole tour turns a profit. Everything after this is gravy, so leave the planning to those who have experience and stop screaming about the sky falling, okay?”
Elena’s eyes drifted back to the barrier.
“I mean it, Elena. Not another word, okay? We can’t afford to spook the investors until this show’s in the bag, got it?”
Elena couldn’t meet his stare. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Julian gave a bark of laughter. “Better than you, babe, I promise you that. Now go make sure the catering is all set for tonight. I want to have a little reception before the band takes the stage.”
* * *
Elena watched Julian as he lifted his glass of champagne and saluted the band. She felt like a betrayer. All day she’d been about to tell one of them her concerns, but she’d stopped, afraid Julian wouldn’t hesitate to fire her the minute he found out about it. Now, with the concert less than fifteen minutes away, she felt almost sick. If something happened and one of them was hurt, she would feel responsible.
When a server had offered her a glass, she’d turned him down, fearing that she would choke on the bubbles. Julian’s delighted mood was enough to nauseate even the staunchest stomach.
“I just want to say how proud I am of everyone in this room. This day marks a milestone in Avalanche history. Tonight we perform to our biggest crowd yet, and the stadium is sold to capacity.” He lifted his glass and a few of the roadies cheered. The band members studied him with wary expressions. “Not only that, but David was moved from the ICU this morning and will probably be going home in a week. He sends you all his best regards.”
Moving around the circle of bodies, he stopped beside Ravensong and to everyone’s astonishment, placed his arm around the singer’s shoulders. Elena could see Joshua tense as if he expected to be struck.
“But let’s be honest. Most of tonight’s success belongs to this man here.”
Silence descended like a curtain. Everyone held their breath, waiting for a snide comment to follow.
“If it weren’t for this man’s talent and looks, Avalanche would never have been more than a garage band. This man is single-handedly responsible for catapulting us to the top of the music charts!” He extended his glass into the air again and more people cheered this time.
Joshua’s eyes met Elena’s through the crowd and she knew she had to warn him about the barrier. As she started to circle around to him, Julian drained his glass. “Here’s to our biggest show yet! Now let’s take the stage a little early and surprise the crowd!”
And just like that the moment was gone. The band and roadies sprang into action. Elena hurried forward, but before she could catch them, they walked into the brightly lit stadium and the frenetic cheer of the crowd drowned out her voice.
Elena crept to the edge of the stage and peered out. Her breath caught in her throat. The entire floor of the stadium to the topmost seats swayed with bodies. Rising on her tiptoes, she tried to look over the edge of the stage and mark where the security guards were stationed, but she couldn’t see anything beyond the silhouette of the band members as the spot lights picked them up. A moment later, the stadium exploded in a pulsating cacophony of sound and Joshua stepped up to the microphone.
Julian appeared at her elbow, pouring himself another glass of champagne. “I told you everything was going to be perfect,” he said.
A sonorous voice drew Joshua out of his sleep, but he kept his eyes closed, listening to the woman announce the weather in a languid, sexy drawl. Stretching, he pushed back the covers and rolled out of bed. Padding over to the window, he drew back the drapes and let the sunlight seep into the room. Outside the sky was a brilliant blue.
He stretched again, then glanced over his shoulder at the clock radio. He had exactly one and a half hours before he had to report for Julian’s stupid morning meeting. As he headed to the bathroom, he realized he only attended those meetings so he could see Elena. Not that she had much time for him anymore.
Slipping into his sweats, he opened the door to the outer suite. His bodyguard was waiting, a very large, very mean looking man. He scowled at Joshua as he emerged.
“Ready,” he growled.
“Ready,” Joshua answered and followed the man to the door.
They hurried down the back stairs and into the weight room, where Dominic placed an occupied sign on the door. Joshua felt uncomfortable getting special treatment, but he’d learned on the first tour that it was impossible to work-out once people knew he was in the building. That also meant that his usual morning run was curtailed. He had to content himself with a stationary run on a tread-mill instead.
He and Dominic kept their workout to 45 minutes, which left them both enough time to shower and arrive at Julian’s meeting promptly at 10:00AM. While Dominic took a seat beside the door with his newspaper, Joshua tried to sneak inside without being noticed.
He breathed a sigh of relief when he realized Julian hadn’t arrived. In fact, Elena was the only one present and she was sitting at the table with a cup of tea in her hands. Joshua flashed her a smile as she looked up at him. He wanted to believe her face brightened at his appearance, but he was afraid to hope for that much.
Pouring himself a cup of coffee, he turned back to face her.
“Joshua, come sit here for a moment,” she said, pushing out the chair beside her.
Joshua forced himself to move nonchalantly toward the chair she indicated. He didn’t want to seem overanxious for her attention. As he took a seat, she leaned forward and he could smell her shampoo, a flowery combination that made him briefly close his eyes.
“I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but there was never any time,” she said anxiously.
He leaned away from her, studying her face. She seemed more nervous than seductive. “Is something wrong?”
“No,” she said, then grimaced, “Well, maybe. Look, I know everything went without a hitch last night, but we have two more shows to do in that stadium and I just thought you should know...”
The door opened and Julian bustled through, followed by the rest of the band members. Elliot stopped in the middle of the floor and gave Joshua a frown. Joshua found his attention divided between Elliot and Elena. Turning back to Elena, he settled his coffee cup on the table.
“Go on.”
“It’s just that I noticed that...”
“All right, everyone, find a seat. There’s a lot for us to discuss,” said Julian, further distracting Joshua. He seemed buoyant and cheerful, just as he’d been the previous night. Joshua knew he had a suspicious nature, but he couldn’t help but wonder when Julian’s ebullient mood would vanish.
Tossing a newspaper into the middle of the table, Julian gave a laugh. “Take a look at our review from last night. Sublime. Flawless. Those are just a few of the adjectives.” He leaned forward on the table. “Just think of it, boys. We no longer have to end this tour in four months. We can take it across the Atlantic. What do you think? How would you all like to winter in Paris?”
Joshua sank back in his seat and his eyes drifted to the newspaper in the middle of the table. Extend the tour? A sick feeling settled into the pit of his stomach and lodged there.
* * *
After the explosion that Julian set off at the morning meeting, Elena found herself with no opportunity to get any of the band members alone long enough to warn them about her concerns. She knew she had just one last chance, when Rage was on stage before the main show.
She threaded her way through the back stage tunnels, headed for Joshua’s dressing room, but she knew she would take any of the band members at this point. Julian caught up with her as she was crossin
g the reception area, Michael at his side.
She closed her eyes in frustration, then turned to face him. “Julian?”
“We need you to go back to the hotel.”
“What?” she said, frowning at him.
Michael made a face. “I left my extra drumsticks in my room.”
Elena’s eyes shifted to Julian. “Can’t someone else get them?”
“Who? What do you think assistant means?”
“I’m sorry,” said Michael.
Elena felt guilty and reached out to touch his arm. “Don’t worry about it. Can I have your room key? Where are they?”
“They’re right on the table by the window.” He dug in his pocket for his key. “I am really sorry.”
“Again, don’t worry about it.” She turned the plastic keycard over in her hand. “Listen, Michael, tell the other band members to keep an eye on the audience, all right?”
“Elena!” snapped Julian.
Elena glared at him, then turned back to Michael. “Just be wary,” she said, pushing between them and heading for the backdoor.
She jumped into the limo and gave her directions. She couldn’t shake the anxiety that had been plaguing her for two days. She hoped she was wrong, she hoped her inexperience was making her edgy, but she couldn’t shake it.
Digging out her cell phone, she punched Joshua’s number. The call went immediately to his answering service. Taking the chance that he’d check it before he went on stage, she left him a message, hoping it didn’t sound too alarming. Then she decided to try Elliot’s phone, but got the same results.
It wasn’t far to the hotel and once there, she jumped from the limo and raced into the building. Pacing before the bank of elevators, she realized people were watching her. Once inside, she stared at the floor numbers, willing it to go faster.
The drumsticks were exactly where Michael had said they’d be and she was back in the limo before the hour was up. She figured Rage was probably giving their encore. If she ran, she could make it back before Avalanche took the stage. She had her hand on the door handle as the limo pulled into the parking space. She hurried to the backdoor and threw it open, running down the tight backstage passages to the stage. Julian met her and grabbed the drumsticks from her hand, passing them to a roadie who was waiting.