Ravensong Read online

Page 2

  “Sounds smart.”

  “And lucrative,” answered David, opening the door behind him.

  Elena followed him into a large conference room with a banquet table against one wall and a conference table dividing the room in half. The wall opposite the door was a bank of floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city. From where she stood, Elena had a beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz.

  At once the band members rose from the table and crowded around her, reintroducing themselves. Elena smiled at each of them and took their hands. Finally David waved them away and pulled a man in a stiff business suit in front of her.

  “This is my second in command, Elena, and your immediate boss, Julian Howard.”

  Elena extended her hand and accepted Julian’s, which felt clammy to the touch. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Sorry I wasn’t available to meet you yesterday, or to interview you.” He shot a disapproving glance at David and Elena guessed her hire must be a sore spot between them.

  “That’s all right. I was a bit overwhelmed yesterday anyway,” she said, smiling brightly.

  Julian didn’t return the smile. He simply looked her over. He was a thin man with mousey brown hair that was receding and a pinched face. His suit was immaculately pressed and a little stuffy. Elena wondered how he’d ever gotten into the sordid music business to begin with.

  “We meet every morning, promptly at eight,” he said, casting a look around the room. Elena followed his gaze and noticed that all the band members were assembled, except Ravensong.

  “Even if there’s nothing to meet about,” said Ralph with a twisted smile. “Julian’s got to have one grand stand a day.”

  Julian shot the bassist a withering look, but Elena couldn’t help but smile. Turning back abruptly, Julian caught the smile and frowned in annoyance. Elena tried to make her face serious once more.

  “And I expect you here at seven thirty, in your office, in case I need to find you...”

  “So you can get him a cup of coffee, black with a splash of cream,” said Ralph.

  The other band members snickered and Elena fought the smile that threatened again.

  “Okay, okay,” said David. “You can give her your expectations later. Come on, Elena, there’s coffee, tea, and pastries over here if you’d like.”

  As David led her to the banquet table, she felt Julian’s disapproving stare on her back. Elliot Evans, the guitar player, placed himself on her right elbow.

  “Try the bear claw,” he whispered as he poured himself another cup of coffee. “They’re the best.”

  Elena smiled at him as she tore open a tea bag and placed it in a cup, then poured hot water over it. “I avoid bear claws and other such sweets.”

  “So should I,” he answered, patting his stomach.

  Elena smiled again and taking her tea, turned to face the table. “Where should I sit?”

  “Next to me,” said Elliot.

  David shook his head at the guitarist. “Wherever you’d like,” he answered and motioned her toward the table.

  She took a seat on the right side of the room so she could look out over the Golden Gate. Elliot promptly placed himself at her left, Ralph at her right. Next to Ralph sat Michael Smith, the drummer, and directly across from Michael was Robert Downing, the keyboardist, who lifted his coffee cup in salute to her. David occupied the head of the table and Julian sat to his immediate left. The only other seat that remained unoccupied was the one directly across from Elena. She studied it a moment curiously, then decided that since Ravensong wasn’t a partner in the business, he probably didn’t attend the daily meetings.

  “Julian,” said David.

  Julian thumped some files together before him, running his hands down the side to make sure they were straight.

  Anal retentive, thought Elena, and wondered if she was going to like her new boss.

  “We need to make a decision on the cover today.” He opened the first file folder and pulled out some cover designs on poster board. He tossed them into the middle of the table and the band members each moved to select one for study. Elena glanced at the cover in Elliot’s hand and then in Ralph’s. Neither were very appealing to her. She reached into the middle of the table and selected another.

  It looked like a cartoon drawing of the band standing beneath a mountain with a mound of snow flowing down over the top of them. Each of the band member’s bodies were cartoon with a real photo of their faces superimposed. It was childish and obvious, but what drew her attention was the photo of Ravensong. The others were making silly faces, only Ravensong seemed serious, his dark eyes piercing in the picture. A shudder went through Elena and she placed the cover down on the table, looking up into Julian’s beady little eyes.

  “That’s the one we’re thinking of going with,” he said, nodding at the cover.

  Elena looked down on it again. Why? It was horrible. Elliot groaned at her side and Ralph made a face.

  “What do you think of it?” said Julian.

  She knew this was a test. The response of the band members told her they didn’t like it. Should she tell the truth, tell him it was awful or should she be diplomatic and say she liked it to keep in her boss’s good graces? She was saved for the moment by the opening of the door.

  Ravensong swooped into the room, heading for the table and pouring himself a cup of coffee. Julian’s attention was immediately diverted. He sat back in his chair and his lips came down tight over his teeth.

  “Well, good morning Hiawatha, couldn’t find your way out of the tipi on time?”

  Elena’s eyes widened in astonishment. Ravensong turned from the table and glared at Julian. He started to say something, but David interrupted him.

  “That’s enough, Julian.”

  “These meetings start at eight. I expect you to buy an alarm clock,” Julian continued.

  Ravensong took three strides forward. “You can take your meetings and shove them up your...”

  “All right,” interrupted David again, shooting a quick glance in Elena’s direction. “Take a seat, Joshua. We were just discussing the cover.”

  Ravensong glowered at Julian a moment more. Elena could feel the tension between the two men. This certainly wasn’t the first time they’d conflicted before. Finally Julian broke the stare and Ravensong moved to his chair, slipping into it.

  Elliot leaned over the table and whispered something to him, which Elena didn’t catch. He nodded once and then his gaze shifted to Elena. Their eyes locked for a moment. Elena felt a thrill course up her spine. Lord, he had beautiful eyes.

  “Well,” demanded Julian, “what do you think of the cover?”

  Elena tore her gaze from Ravensong and regarded the cover once more. Truth, she must tell the truth no matter what the outcome.

  “I think it’s awful.”

  Ralph burst into laughter beside her and Julian’s eyes widened in surprise. The rest of the band members seemed equally stunned and for a moment she wondered if she hadn’t made a fatal error. She felt Ravensong’s eyes on her again and glanced at him. He was studying her with interest.

  “Why is it awful?” asked David, leaning back in his chair and steepling his hands before him.

  Elena lifted the cover and held it away from her, trying to view it at every angle. “It’s childish and obvious,” she said. “These cartoon figures make it look like the album is a joke, that not even the band members take it seriously. And how many times can you draw a picture of an avalanche? It’s getting old. Everyone knows the name of the band, you don’t have to keep promoting it, your music does that.”

  “Well, which of the covers do you think suit it better?” said Julian.

  “None,” said Elena truthfully. “They’re all awful.”

  “We spent a lot of money on these covers...”

  “Let her finish,” said Ravensong.

  Elena glanced at him again and he nodded.

  She drew a deep breath. This might be her last
day at her new job, but at least she’d leave knowing she’d been true to them and herself. “I think a simple photo of the band on a white background would say a lot more. Have the name of the album stenciled above the photo and the name of the band beneath. Simple, clean, and precise.”

  Silence met her suggestion.

  Finally Julian broke it. “And how much experience do you have designing covers?”

  Elena started to answer, but Ravensong preempted her. “You asked her opinion. The least you could do is listen to it.”

  Julian rose to his feet and Ravensong lifted his head as if challenging him to make a move. Again tension snaked through the room. David put a restraining hand on Julian’s arm.

  “Sit down, Julian,” he said and gave Ravensong an equally dissatisfied look.

  “Aw, come on, David, I’d personally like to see Julian defend his honor,” said Ralph. “If he can shoot off his mouth, he ought to be willing to defend the idiocy that comes out.”

  “Why don’t you shut your mouth?” snapped Julian.

  “Oh, hold me back, hold me back,” cried Ralph, holding his arms out for Elena to take.

  Elena glanced down at the table, feeling guilty that she’d caused this uproar.

  “Knock it off, both of you,” said David.

  “I can’t do anything about you, but I sure as hell can do something about him,” Julian said, pointing his finger at Ravensong.

  “What?” demanded Ralph. “Ground him?”

  “You stupid son of a bitch,” said Julian, drowning out David’s repeated protests. “I’ll fire him for insubordination.”

  Elliot and Robert laughed derisively. Ralph dramatically closed his mouth and Michael bowed his head.

  “What would you stupid bastards do then, eh? Can’t do a damn thing without him, can you? Hell, you’ve become so dependent on one lousy drug addict that you can’t even shit by yourselves!”

  Ravensong came to his feet in one swift motion. Elena caught her breath and silence descended in the room again.

  “Do it, you coward,” said Ravensong in a terribly still voice. “Fire me if you’ve got the balls.”

  “Oh, believe me, I’d like to. You parade around here like a friggin’ god, but we all know that sooner or later, we’ll find you passed out somewhere with a needle stickin’ out of your arm.”

  “Julian...” gasped David.

  Elena couldn’t take anymore. She was on her feet before she knew what she was doing. “I can’t believe this,” she said, her voice trembling with fury. “I thought I was coming to work for a professional organization, but this is ridiculous. It may cost me my job, but I’m sorry, I can’t sit here and listen to you anymore. Since this man entered the room, you’ve done nothing but bait him. If you’re angry that he was late for the meeting, that’s one thing, but your insults are out of line and unprofessional. I don’t know how he’s kept from knocking you on your uptight ass because I sure know I would if I were him.”

  Backing away from the table, she glanced around at all of their stunned faces. Ravensong was staring at her in amazement, but she thought she read approval in his look. Lifting her head, she turned her back on them and went for the door.

  It was only once she was in the hall that her knees began to shake. She leaned against the door and took a deep breath. Behind her the room erupted in a chaos of yelling voices.

  Lord, what have I done, she thought, then remembered the look on Ravensong’s face and decided it was worth it in the end. She couldn’t work for an organization that allowed such abuse. Drawing a deep breath she headed down the hall for her office. She definitely wouldn’t add this job to her resume - shortest job in history.

  She heard the door open behind her and the roar of angry voice grew louder for a moment before it was muffled again. She stopped walking, sure it was either David or Julian to relieve her of her duties, but as she turned, she was surprised to see Ravensong strolling after her.

  He stopped in front of her and scrutinized her with his piercing eyes.

  Lord, he is gorgeous, she thought, taking in his finely chiseled features, high cheekbones, strong chin. He wore a pair of tight jeans that revealed the taut muscles in his thighs and a loose white shirt. His black hair fell like a curtain around his shoulders, the front of his hair pulled over his forehead and braided down his back, ending in a leather tie.

  “Thanks,” he said in a husky voice.

  She swallowed, surprised by the thrill of excitement that coursed through her. She wasn’t usually moved by handsome faces and equally attractive male bodies, but there was something in Ravensong’s look that made her heart beat a little faster.

  Hell, I’m star struck, she thought, but it didn’t make sense. She’d worked with a lot of stars before and no matter how handsome they were, she’d never been the least bit interested.

  “No need,” she answered, clasping her hands to still their trembling. “You know the direction to unemployment?”

  He laughed. The sound was a deep rumbling in his chest and another chill coursed up Elena’s spine. She suppressed an urge to place her hand against his chest to feel the laugh as it left his throat.

  “I don’t think you’ll be fired,” he said. “David was looking for someone who would stand up to Julian’s tyranny.”

  “Why does he hate you so much?”

  Ravensong narrowed his eyes in amusement. “You gathered that this quickly?”

  “It isn’t hard to see,” she answered, finding it difficult to meet his stare.

  “I don’t know why he hates me, but he does. Anyway it doesn’t really matter, except I’m sick of turning the other cheek.”

  “I don’t know how you put up with it. I couldn’t.”

  “I’m beginning to wonder the same thing,” he said, never removing his eyes from her. He smiled slightly, the left corner of his mouth lifting.

  Elena became suddenly aware of the beauty mark resting just above his upper lip. An urge to place her lips against it nearly staggered her with its power. She shook her head and forced herself to look down.

  “I understand you’re engaged,” he said and she looked up quickly, surprised by the remark.

  “Yes,” she said, drawing a steadying breath. “Engaged, yes. To a doctor.”

  Ravensong nodded with the same crooked smile. “A doctor.”

  “Yes,” she said once more, realizing she sounded ridiculous. “He’s a doctor, yes.”

  Again the deep, rumbling laugh. “You don’t say.”

  She blushed and lowered her head, but not before he caught her smile. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “Well, I better get back to my office. I’d rather not run into my boss just yet.”

  “Good idea,” remarked Ravensong and she looked up at him.

  Damn you are gorgeous, her thoughts screamed. “See you later.”

  “Yes, you will,” he said cryptically and moved past her, his shoulder brushing against hers. A thrill of pure desire spiraled through her, surprising her in its intensity and she turned to watch him retreat.

  The braid was swinging back and forth in his hair as he walked, inadvertently directing her attention lower to the firm outline of his buttocks in his tight jeans. Elena frowned, troubled by the feelings in her body, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Ravensong as he strode away. Only when he’d disappeared from sight did she realize something else. He smelled fantastic, so male, so clean.

  Drawing a shaken breath, Elena brushed the stray hair from her forehead. What was she thinking? Every gorgeous inch of Joshua Ravensong was trouble and she was engaged to another man. Not to mention the fact that he was in a relationship with a very tall and beautiful model in Hollywood. She laughed at her foolish reaction to him. He was handsome, all right, but he did have a drug problem, no matter that he’d been clean for nine years, an ex-wife who bled him for every penny he had, and an eight year old daughter. She didn’t need any of that, even if he was interested in her. And he couldn
’t be, not with his beautiful model waiting for him every weekend down in L.A. Besides she wasn’t Kate and she wasn’t stupid. She’d never allowed herself to get involved with a rock star before and she wasn’t going to start now.

  * * *

  Joshua looked out the window of his office, his eyes scanning the bridge, but his mind wasn’t on the sight. He was thinking about Elena, the assistant manager David had hired. She was so tiny. Standing with her in the hallway, he’d had time to study exactly how tiny she was. If he’d taken her in his arms, her head would barely reach his breastbone.

  He shook his head. What was he thinking? She was engaged to another man, wore his gaudy ring on her finger. He moved from the window and slumped down in the leather chair, putting his feet on the desk. He studied the toe of his leather boots intently, but his thoughts returned to Elena.

  Her hair was brown, stray strands escaping to curl around her oval face. She seemed to always wear it up, pinned away, but he knew that if he removed the pins it would tumble down over his hands, a luxuriant mass that he could wind around his fingers. He flexed his hands. How he’d wanted to unbind her hair and sink his fingers in it.

  He drew a ragged breath. And the way she’d sprung to her feet, her throaty voice putting Julian in his place as he’d never been handled before. Such fire!

  Again he shook his head. She was engaged and he was involved. He thought of Megan, tall, willowy Megan with her long legs and blond hair. When they lay in bed together, Megan was so tall she couldn’t lay her head against his chest, but Elena...

  Dropping his feet to the ground, he placed his elbows on the desk and rested his chin in his hands. He wanted Elena. Best to admit it. Whenever he’d been passingly interested in a woman, she always did the work for him. And there’d never been a woman he remotely wanted that he hadn’t had. He sensed it would be different with Elena. She didn’t seem to be the type bowled over by his looks or his bank account. She knew what she wanted and what she wanted wasn’t a recovering drug addict with a history of promiscuity.