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Ravensong Page 3

  And he didn’t need the complication of an office romance - hell, one night stand. He didn’t want a relationship with Elena, he just wanted her for one night, nothing more. And he felt fairly certain he only wanted her because she was unavailable. The conquest was what intrigued him - not her wealth of chestnut hair or her fiery green eyes.

  Annoyed with himself, he pressed the intercom button for his secretary.

  Alice answered immediately. “Yes, lord and master,” she said, teasing him.

  “I need a ticket to L.A. I want to leave tonight. Call Megan for me and tell her when I’ll be arriving. I’m going home now to pack,” he said in a rush, feeling more anxious to leave than ever before. A few nights with Megan would do him good. A few days away from Julian would be even better, and an absence from Elena would be best of all.

  “Done,” said Alice and he released the intercom button.

  Yes, a few nights with Megan would take care of this hunger, and when he came back, Elena would mean absolutely nothing to him. He leaned back in the chair and swiveled it to look out the window again. Already he felt much better.


  Elena entered the conference room with trepidation. She didn’t know if she was welcome anymore after the previous morning, but no one had come to relieve her of her duties and she’d waited in her office all day, even canceling lunch with Kate. At five, she wandered down the hall toward David’s office, but he’d left earlier that afternoon. Julian was also gone. On impulse, she meandered past Ravensong’s office. She’d lost her courage then and had simply retreated home.

  Elliot was standing at the banquet table as she entered and gave her a warm smile. She returned it, grateful for this show of friendship.

  “I didn’t think you’d come back after yesterday,” he said.

  She studied his face a moment. He had a mass of curly brown hair and equally brown eyes. His face was friendly and open. Hadn’t she read in a tabloid somewhere that he was the only person who could bring Ravensong out of his shell after rehab?

  “I thought I might be fired. You heard anything to that effect?”

  His face became troubled. “No, of course not. If they fire you...” He stopped short as the door opened and Julian entered.

  The manager glared in their direction, but didn’t speak, moving directly to his place at the table. Elena reached for a tea bag and placed it in a cup.

  “What you did yesterday took a hell of a lot of courage,” whispered Elliot as Michael and Ralph entered the room.

  Elena smiled at him in gratitude, watching the steam rise from her cup.

  “Hey, tiger, come back to finish the kill,” said Ralph, placing an arm over her shoulder.

  Elena laughed and looked down.

  “So,” he continued to Elliot, his eyes making a quick sweep of the room, “where’s Josh? Did he say whether he’d show today?”

  “Took off yesterday,” said Elliot confidentially. “Down to L.A.”

  Elena’s head lifted and she stared at Elliot in surprise.

  “How long is he going to be gone?” asked Michael in a worried voice. “We need to rehearse before we go to the studio.”

  Elliot shrugged. “You know how he gets after a blowout like yesterday. Could be a week or a month. I wouldn’t expect him back before next Monday. He was pissed enough this time to quit.”

  Ralph shook his head. “Julian’s just itching to ruin everything for us. I wish we could get rid of that bastard.”

  “Shh,” hissed Michael, “I don’t want any more trouble today.” He leaned closer to Elliot. “You think he’ll come back, right?”

  “Of course he will,” interrupted Ralph. “Once he gets his fill of the beautiful Megan Wheeler.”

  Elena looked away, surprised at how this information unsettled her. Ravensong had left yesterday to go down to his lover in Los Angeles. When Elena had gone to the market last night, the cover of Vogue had attracted her attention - blond bombshell Megan Wheeler in a skimpy bikini that showed every inch of her impressive cleavage. Elena couldn’t compete with that - she was neither tall nor overly endowed.

  Picking up her tea, she headed for the table, forcing the disturbing image of Ravensong and Megan from her mind. She hesitated a moment as David entered the room beside Robert. They both gave her a warm smile and proceeded on to the banquet table.

  The meeting began promptly and no one mentioned the previous day or the fact that Ravensong was missing. However, Elena’s eyes kept roving toward his chair and her thoughts persistently fixed on him with Megan. It bothered her that she felt this stab of ridiculous jealousy or that she felt she had the right to. Finally she looked down on her engagement ring, reminding herself that as soon as John returned from his sabbatical in Colorado, they were going to plan their wedding.

  “Elena,” said Julian, startling her out of her thoughts. “David and I discussed this business about the cover yesterday afternoon. We both found your idea intriguing and we’d like to turn the project over to you.”

  Elena’s eyes widened in surprise and she couldn’t speak for a moment. She could tell by the tightening of Julian’s jaw that he hadn’t been intrigued nor was the idea of turning the project over to her his idea, but diplomacy had demanded he present it. Her gaze shifted to David gratefully.

  “Hire a photographer and work out a shooting schedule with the band. I can give you the names of a few excellent graphic artists you can interview,” said David with one of his warm smiles.

  “I don’t know what to say,” stammered Elena, overwhelmed at the change in events. Just an hour before she’d been sure she would be fired and now she was in charge of the new album cover.

  “I can give you the name of the photographer we use for all of our publicity shots. She’s quite talented and has worked with the band numerous times,” added Julian.

  “Thank you,” she said, “I would appreciate your help.” Diplomacy worked both ways, she decided.

  David nodded in approval and Julian looked down as if to show he’d made enough concessions for the year. Elliot was smiling at her when she turned back around and he reached out to squeeze her shoulder. Elation filled Elena, but it deflated a bit as her gaze came to rest on Ravensong’s empty chair. How she wished he’d been here to see Julian humbled.

  Shaking her head, she forced this thought away. She intended to enjoy her first triumph and nothing was going to spoil this moment - not even the image of the black-eyed lead singer in bed with another woman.

  * * *

  Elena watched the photographer toy with another shot, which deliberately singled Ravensong out from the rest of the members of the band. No one seemed overly thrilled with this distinction, especially the lead singer. As Cara moved him into position, her fingers trailed intimately up his thigh. He backed up and looked away, but she merely laughed at his discomfort.

  Elena frowned. Where did this woman get off thinking she had the right to touch him in such an unprofessional manner? And why did Ravensong think he had to put up with it when he obviously didn’t like it?

  He’d returned three days ago, much sooner than anyone had expected. He didn’t say anything about his trip to L.A., but Elena got the feeling it hadn’t gone as well as he’d hoped. She hadn’t spoken with him since his return and had only seen him during the daily meetings, but he seemed preoccupied and moody. Elliot had mentioned that he wasn’t acting like himself. Elena wondered what was eating at him, then wondered why it mattered to her.

  Cara peered through the camera for a few seconds, then threw back her head, shaking her short black hair. “This just won’t work.”

  The band members groaned in protest. How many times was she going to rearrange them? And how many more rolls of film did she need to take? They’d been shooting pictures for the last three days and Elena had yet to see a preliminary specimen. Julian’s deadline for the rough draft was tomorrow and she didn’t relish telling him she didn’t even have the photo shot yet. He expected to see a mock-up of the
completed project with the graphic artist’s rendering included.

  It nettled her that Cara was his choice of photographers and Elena had felt obliged to use her despite her better judgment. Was Julian setting her up for failure? Elena wasn’t foolish enough to believe he’d given her the project out of good will or confidence in her abilities. It was a test and when she failed to produce the results, she was sure he’d high tail it to David with his complaint. Elena just might lose her job yet and she hadn’t held it for a full two weeks.

  “What’s wrong now?” she dared to question the temperamental photographer.

  “Shh,” commanded Cara, glaring at her as she moved toward Ravensong once again. “Let’s put you here, Gorgeous.”

  She hooked her arm through his and led him back toward the other members of the band, but rather than allowing him to blend in, she set him on a chair in front of them, her hands caressing his shoulders and chest in a mockery of positioning him.

  “I don’t think this is what we want...” he began, but she shook a single finger in front of him.

  “You aren’t being paid to think, baby, just sit still and look beautiful.”

  He started to say something, then caught Elena’s eyes and looked away, his jaw tightening in irritation and humiliation. Elena’s frown deepened.

  Making a box out of her hands, Cara backed away from them and put a hand out to her assistant for another camera. She looked through the viewfinder yet again, then shuddered and held the camera out to the assistant with an impatient jerk of her arm.

  “This just doesn’t do it for me. Let’s take your shirt off, baby,” she said to Ravensong.

  His eyes flashed to Elena for help. Although it might cost her her job, Elena couldn’t deny the look any longer. Chewing on her lip, she approached the photographer.

  “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

  “No one asked you to think either,” remarked Cara without even giving her a glance.

  Rage spiraled through Elena and she moved deliberately in front of Cara to command her attention.

  “Your tactics are not only unprofessional, they are unproductive. You are two days behind schedule and you haven’t shown me that you intend to catch up any time soon.”

  “You can’t rush genius.”

  Elena’s brows lifted in surprise. “Genius, is that what you call it? All I’ve seen so far is your over-active libido.”

  Cara’s eyes widened in mock offense. “What does that mean?”

  “It means you haven’t taken any pictures in the last two days because you’ve been too busy putting your hands all over the lead singer.”

  “How do you think I capture his sensuality? I’ve got to get him in the mood.”

  “I don’t think he’s in the mood for anything but running away from you.”

  Cara gasped. “Since when do you speak for him?”

  Elena moved closer and lowered her voice so only Cara could hear. “What you’re doing here is called sexual harassment and it’s illegal. Just because Ravensong’s a man, doesn’t mean he has to put up with it nor do I. Pack up your gear, you’re fired.”

  “You can’t do that!”

  “I just did,” answered Elena, turning her back on the photographer. She strolled toward the band members. “We’ll take a two hour lunch break and meet back here at three to finish the shoot.”

  “You can’t do this!” persisted Cara. “I’ll tell Julian.”

  Elena turned. “Go right ahead. You’re still fired. Pack up your gear and get out before I call security.”

  Cara sputtered, but seemed to understand that Elena meant what she said. Waving a furious hand at her assistant, she stormed from the auditorium and slammed the door on her way out. The band members didn’t move, they simply stared at Elena in shock. They all knew she had to make deadline by tomorrow.

  Elena regarded them placidly. “Take a break. We’ll finish up this afternoon. You have my word on it.”

  Ralph broke the spell with a characteristic laugh. “Hell, I think I’ll have a beer to celebrate. Anyone want to join me.”

  The rest agreed, except Ravensong who was still staring at Elena.

  “Coming, Josh?” asked Elliot over his shoulder as they moved toward the door.

  He shook his head. “No, I’m not hungry. I’ll get something later.”

  Elena watched them leave and then retreated to the bleachers, lifting her purse and snapping it open. As she searched through it, Ravensong approached her.

  “Why’d you do that?” he asked, leaning a hip against the bench and crossing his arms over his chest.

  Elena glanced up at him. “She wasn’t producing and I didn’t like her unprofessional behavior.”

  “You’ll never make Julian’s deadline now. You know as well as I do that he only agreed to this project to watch you fail so he could fire you.”

  Elena paused in rummaging through her purse and considered his words for a moment. “I don’t intend to fail,” she told him firmly, then hesitated and looked up at him again. “Why do you put up with that kind of treatment? I could see you didn’t like it.”

  He considered her words now, then shook his head. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just used to it. It’s easier on the band anyway if I just comply.”

  Elena moved closer to him, crossing her arms in front of her. “You don’t have to take that, Joshua. Sexual harassment is sexual harassment whether you’re a man or a woman. No one has the right to make you feel uncomfortable or degraded.” Her voice rang with emotion, but she wasn’t sure why it made her so angry to see him accept such humiliating treatment.

  He drew a deep breath. “I’ve never learned how to say no, Elena. I guess I’ve never thought I had the right.”

  “You do. You don’t belong to Avalanche or anyone else for that matter.”

  He looked away, a troubled expression on his face. “Anyway, what are you going to do now?”

  Elena reached for her purse again and started searching through it. “Fortunately my best friend’s a photo journalist for the Chronicle. She’d love to help me out of this jam.”

  “What if she’s busy?”

  Elena laughed. “Katie, hell, she’ll jump at the chance to freelance a little with a famous rock band.” Elena didn’t add that Kate would do anything for the chance to meet Ravensong; she thought it would sound a bit hypocritical after her previous lecture. “Now if I could just find a graphic artist who’d be willing to work late tonight.”

  Ravensong smiled his crooked, seductive smile. “It just so happens I have a good friend who’s a graphic artist. He’s done work for the band before and he owes me a favor.”

  Elena shook her head. “No, you don’t have to bail me out of this mess...”

  “You got me out of that mess,” he said, nodding over his shoulder. Then his face became serious, his eyes piercing. “I don’t want to see you lose this job, Elena. You’ve brought a breath of fresh air into this organization and I don’t want you to leave.”

  She had to suppress an urge to throw her arms around his neck. “Thank you,” she said with emotion, “I really appreciate it.”

  He shook his head. “Let’s go make a few phone calls. After you,” he replied, motioning her in front of him.

  * * *

  It was nearly eight o’clock by the time Kate finished the shoot, but finally she put her camera down and rubbed the back of her neck, then smiled at her captive audience.

  “We’re done,” she announced.

  Her announcement was met with weary cheers from everyone. Elena hugged her friend in gratitude, but Kate brushed her off. “Don’t thank me until we’ve developed the pictures.”

  “Go home everyone,” said Elena. “Julian still expects you bright and early at eight.”

  “Can’t wait,” said Ralph sarcastically, wrinkling his nose at Elena.

  She laughed and knelt to help Kate pack up her gear as they filed from the auditorium. Only Ravensong stayed behind.

long will it take to develop the film?” he asked.

  Kate snapped to attention immediately, giving him her most winning smile. “An hour, two at tops.”

  He returned the smile. “I’ll call Fred and ask him to wait,” he said, directing his comment to Elena.

  “If you give me the address, I can meet you at his office.”

  Ravensong shook his head. “It isn’t good for a woman to be traveling the streets of San Francisco alone in the middle of the night. Why don’t I follow you and Kate to her darkroom and then we can drive over to Fred’s together. I’ll take you home when we’re finished - you live in Marin, don’t you?”

  Elena’s heart began to pound faster and her cheeks heated. “Yeah, but I don’t want to put you out...”

  “You aren’t putting me out,” he answered with a frown. “How far is your darkroom from your house?” His gaze shifted to Kate.

  “The darkroom’s in my house,” she answered with a purr.

  “Good, then it’s settled. I’ll meet you by the elevators in a few minutes.” He left the room before Elena could protest further.

  Both women watched him retreat and then Elena began packing the gear once more. Kate stood over her, staring at her with shuttered eyes.


  Elena looked up. “So?”

  “You want to tell me what’s going on or do I have to drag it out of you?”

  “What are you talking about, Katie?”

  Kate’s smile was mischievous. “It isn’t safe for a woman to be traveling the streets of San Francisco alone in the middle of the night. You live in Marin, don’t you?” she said, mimicking Ravensong.

  “He’s being chivalrous.”

  “Chivalrous, my ass. His eyes were traveling all over you when he said that. He wants you.”

  Elena shook her head in amusement. “Good God, Katie, he’s seeing Megan Wheeler. What would he see in me? I’m short and I’m not exactly...well...” Elena looked down at her bust line significantly.

  “Cut the crap, Ellie. I’ve seen that look in a man’s eyes before - not often, but once in a while - and he isn’t thinking about saving your virtue, if you know what I mean?”