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Ravensong Page 8

  Elena narrowed her eyes on the manager. “Why does Julian hate him so much?”

  “Where would I begin?” said David with a shrug of his shoulders. “It’s jealousy, pure and simple.” David shifted his eyes to her face. “Joshua shuts himself off from everyone, only letting in a very few, and I’m not saying he hasn’t made a lot of mistakes - still is - but he’s got guts and intelligence and honesty and this incredible sense of virtue that forces you to like him unless you get completely caught up in envy.”

  Elena looked back at the band, where they were still arguing over another song. Joshua was adamantly shaking his head, refusing to back down. He was pretty complex, she decided. Just when she had him figured out, he went and changed the game on her, forcing her to start all over. Maybe that was why she couldn’t get him off her mind, or maybe, she thought with a wicked smile, it was the way his jeans hugged his hips and rear end.


  Joshua plucked a string on Elliot’s guitar, listening for the tone, then adjusted it once more. Elliot could never tune his own guitar. It wasn’t that he didn’t know whether it was in tune or not, he just didn’t have the patience to get it right. He expected Joshua to do it for him. Joshua didn’t mind, he’d tuned all the guitars in his brother’s band as a kid, before James would agree to let him join.

  Elliot listened, screwing up his face in concentration. “So what’s been eating you lately?” he asked.

  Joshua held up a hand to silence him a moment. Again he plucked the string and they both listened expectantly. Elliot nodded that it sounded good, but Joshua wasn’t pleased. “Nothing, why’d you ask?”

  “You’ve been acting strange, even for you.”

  Joshua gave him a chilling look before returning to the guitar. “I’m fine.”

  “My ass,” said Elliot, swinging the leg that dangled over the stool.

  Joshua lifted his brows at his friend. “Whatever.”

  “I think you miss Megan. Maybe you were a little hasty in cooling things with her. She’s been your longest steady for awhile now.”

  “Maybe you’re right, El,” said Joshua calmly.

  Too calmly for Elliot. “So if it ain’t Megan, then what?”

  “Then nothing.”

  “Come on, Josh, you never miss rehearsal.”

  “I obviously didn’t or I wouldn’t be spending a whole damn hour tuning your guitar.”

  Elliot chewed on his lip a moment in silence. “So, what do you think my chances are with Elena?”

  Joshua’s head snapped up, but Elliot wasn’t watching him. His eyes were fixed on the back of the auditorium where Elena was talking with David. “She’s engaged, El, remember?”

  Elliot glanced at his friend. “She isn’t very thrilled with it. I asked her point blank.”

  “You did what?”

  Elliot met his friend’s stare. “I asked her if she wanted to marry her fiancé and she told me she didn’t know. So what do think my chances are?”

  “About as good as getting struck with lightning and about as enjoyable.”

  “Bull shit, look at her and tell me you haven’t had dirty thoughts.”

  Joshua permitted himself one glance. “Maybe, but I’m not stupid enough to act on it and neither are you. Stay away, El, or she’s gonna hurt you.”

  “What if she’s the one?”

  Joshua frowned. “The one for what?”

  “What’s going on?” asked Robert as he moved into the conversation.

  “Just asking Josh what he thinks my chances are with Elena Harris.”

  Robert seemed surprised. “Thought she was engaged?”

  “She is,” said Joshua.

  “Maybe not,” amended Elliot.

  Robert looked at the woman in question. “I think she’s out of your league, El,” he said soberly.

  Joshua nodded grimly. “Thanks, Bobby, at least someone’s got his head out of his pants around here.”

  Elliot waved his best friend off, but Robert suddenly turned his attention to the lead singer.

  “I still say she might be the one.”

  “The one to knock you on your ass,” said Joshua severely.

  Robert’s brows lifted in surprise. “So ask her out and see, El?” he said, but his eyes never left Joshua.

  Joshua met his gaze for a moment, but he deliberately shifted his attention back to the guitar.

  “Maybe I will,” said Elliot.

  Joshua shook his head in disgust. “Setting yourself up for a real hard fall, pal.”

  “Maybe not,” said Robert.

  “Yeah, anyway, maybe I’ll just ask her to go play pool at the pizza parlor with us tonight. Make it a casual, group thing, no strings, and see what happens.”

  “You’re a friggin’ idiot,” muttered Joshua. “She’s gonna grind you under her heel.”

  “And I’ll enjoy every minute of it,” said Elliot with a laugh.

  Joshua couldn’t help but return his smile.

  * * *

  Joshua had no intention of going to the Friday night pool party. He’d expected to spend the weekend with his daughter, but Terry had prevented that by demanding Tiffany stay home as punishment for not doing her homework. Then Elena had accepted Elliot’s invitation, causing Joshua to bristle with irritation, and the combination had worked to put him in a foul mood. There was no way he intended to stay home, moping about his empty house while Elliot made passes at the woman he wanted.

  Joshua felt not a little guilty by his uncharitable thoughts toward Elliot. When he and Elliot had become friends, Elliot had insisted they swear no woman would ever come between them. To date Joshua had never found a woman worth the risk. Whenever Elliot showed interest in a woman, Joshua deliberately and obviously backed off. Still Elena Harris was different. Why? Joshua wasn’t exactly sure, but she was and he wasn’t going to back off this time.

  He knew the others were taking the limo from the office. These Friday night pool parties tended to get a little rowdy and no one wanted to risk driving while under the influence. No one wanted to be the designated driver either, so they agreed to have the limo chauffer them around. Joshua rarely attended a Friday night blow out - he wasn’t a drinker and if he didn’t have his daughter, he usually had a private evening planned with a date. Still, on the unusual occasion when he did attend, he always drove himself. He was always ready to leave before anyone else. This night was no exception, even though he bristled at the knowledge that Elliot had Elena to himself in the limo on the way from the office to the pizza parlor.

  Parking the Cherokee in the parking lot, he noticed the early crowd. A lot of people knew the band members from Avalanche frequented this place. Joshua drew a deep breath. God, he didn’t want to be bombarded by people tonight. Flexing his shoulders, he resolved himself to the situation.

  Throwing open the door, he climbed out and strolled across the parking lot. His body guard, Dominic fell into step behind him. He knew Joshua liked to drive himself, and he knew that Joshua didn’t want him hovering over him. They had worked out this arrangement years ago.

  A few young women standing outside the door started whispering and giggling as he walked by, but he deliberately ignored them. He knew Dominic’s dark scowl would keep them away, unless Joshua acknowledged them.

  Inside the room was smoky and smelled of beer. Joshua moved through the thick crowd, drawing attention as he went. Dominic melted into the crowd. Joshua wouldn’t see him again until it was time to go, unless he needed Dominic’s hulking presence. He found Ralph at the bar, talking with two college women, the women laughing at everything he said.

  “Hey, Josh, how’s about a beer?” he said, hooking Joshua around the shoulder with an arm.

  Joshua threw a negligent smile at the women and nodded to his friend. Ralph yelled at the bartender over the music.

  “Ladies,” he said, turning back to his captive audience, “let me introduce you to the one and only Joshua Ravensong.”

  Joshua frowned at Ralph, but
threw another smile at the two women. They both offered him their hands and laughed effervescently at him.

  “You both must be college students,” said Joshua, turning on his charm.

  The women glanced at each other and laughed again. Joshua took in their pretty California faces, both blonds wearing enough makeup to make it look effortless. They each had nice even teeth, and were tall and thin, their clothing hugging every curve of bodies he would usually find more than tempting.

  “State,” said the taller one, tilting her head at a deliberately seductive angle.

  Joshua met the frank gaze of her brown eyes. She was nearly as tall as he was and had nice, full lips. His gaze lazily swept down her body and she feigned modesty by looking into her drink, then glancing at him through her thick lashes. It would usually be enough invitation for him, but not tonight. Turning and casting a half-smile on the bartender, he lifted the beer to his mouth and took a sip.

  “I love the new album,” said the shorter of the two women, leaning over Ralph so Joshua could hear.

  Joshua smiled at her again, but the smile never reached his eyes. “Thanks. What year are you both?”

  “Seniors,” said the tall one. “I’m studying Anthropology. I’m writing my thesis paper on Native Peoples in America.”

  Joshua’s mouth lifted in his sardonic grin and he met Ralph’s amused eyes. “Really, how fascinating,” he said, but his voice lacked all warmth. Another California blond wondering what it would be like to bed the rock star savage.

  “What a coincidence,” said Ralph, and Joshua recognized the sarcastic tone to his voice. “Joshua is Native American.”

  “Really?” said the taller one, her eyes going wide.

  Joshua drank another sip from his beer and nodded at her.

  “Maybe I could interview you for my paper.”

  Joshua glanced at Ralph. “Now wouldn’t that be fascinating.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it would,” added Ralph.

  Joshua threw her a smile. “I think this place is a little noisy for an interview.”

  She caught his meaning and glanced around the crowded pizza parlor. “Yes, it is. Maybe we could go...”

  She stopped in mid-sentence, glancing over her shoulder to where Joshua’s eyes had drifted. Elena had just stepped into view. She was in the back room by the pool table, laughing at something Elliot had said. Joshua felt something fairly close to rage prickle down his spine. Picking up his beer, he pushed away from the bar.

  “Excuse me,” he said, brushing past the two college students.

  He stepped into the more private room. Michael and Robert were there with Elliot and Elena. As soon as Elliot caught sight of him, he smiled and waved him over.

  “Come on, Josh, we haven’t started yet.”

  Joshua’s gaze chanced to meet Elena’s, but she quickly looked away, moving to the rack on the wall and picking a pool stick. Joshua moved to her side, his eyes surveying the many choices.

  “So, the California girls didn’t interest you,” she muttered under her breath.

  Joshua lifted his eyes to her in surprise. He fingered the wood grain on one of the sticks and lifted it down, balancing it in the hand that still held his beer.

  “There’s a lot of women here,” he answered, turning back to the table. “So, we playing teams or what?”

  “So long as you and Elliot aren’t together,” said Robert.

  “Why? You think we’re too good for you,” said Joshua, setting his beer on the edge of the table.

  “No, you cheat,” said Robert, leaning over the table to take aim.

  “Bull shit!” shouted Elliot, downing the rest of his beer.

  Joshua laughed, then cast a casual glance at Elena. “You ever play?”

  “Once or twice,” she said, holding the stick as if she’d never held one before.

  “Where’s Ralph? We’ve got an odd man,” said Michael, looking into the other room.

  “Ralph is certainly the man then,” said Robert, drawing a laugh from his companions. He picked up his beer and took a sip. “I’ll keep score this first game. Let Michael or Elena pick who they want to play with.”

  “I’ll take Joshua,” said Michael.

  Joshua flashed a smile at Michael, but it vanished as Elliot threw an arm around Elena’s shoulder. “Then it’s you and me, toots,” he said, hugging her to him.

  Deliberately Joshua turned away. He didn’t know why he was feeling so irritated tonight. Elliot was interested in the woman, what the hell? He’d been thinking of taking home the tall California blond just a few minutes ago. And Elena had made it quite clear to him that she wasn’t interested. Still he couldn’t deny the feeling, but he’d be damned if he’d let anyone else see his weakness.

  As the game progressed, he forced himself to relax and enjoy himself. It wasn’t easy. Elliot made it damn difficult. He kept hugging Elena every chance he got and he got many. Elena hadn’t been exactly honest when she said she’d played only a few times. The fact that she must have played a lot became obvious right away.

  “Thought you didn’t play much,” said Robert after she sank a particularly hard shot.

  “Did I say that?” she answered, batting her lashes in a move that made Joshua squirm. “Well, maybe I played a little in college.”

  Elliot laughed. “A little, hell, I’m glad Michael left you to me.”

  Joshua chewed on his lower lip and leaned against the table, his arms crossed over his chest. He glanced up at the clock, noticing it was only ten. This shit could go on for a lot of hours still.

  A waitress flounced into the room, asking if anyone wanted anything else to drink. Joshua shook his head, tossing her an automatic smile. She returned it with a little more heat and Joshua felt Elena’s eyes on him. He met her look. Was that jealousy he saw? Damn, he sure hoped so because she was making him writhe with the way she laughed and talked to Elliot.

  After a while, Elliot moved to his friend’s side, his eyes fixed on Elena as she bent over the table before them. “Can’t hardly concentrate when she does that.”

  Joshua’s eyes followed the line of Elena’s figure. “It is distracting.”

  Elliot cast Joshua a quick glance. “Distracting, hell, it’s damn uncomfortable.”

  Joshua laughed. “She’s easy to look at, but I bet she’s got one hell of a temper if you cross her.”

  Elliot smiled wickedly. “I don’t intend to make her mad.”

  Joshua shook his head. “Why this one, El? It isn’t like you to go after another man’s woman.”

  “She isn’t another man’s woman. She told me she’s thinking about breaking off her engagement when her fiancé gets back from sabbatical.”

  “Right. That’s why she wears that huge rock on her finger.”

  Elliot’s look turned into a scowl. “Why do you care anyway?” he said in irritation.

  Joshua lifted his brows at his friend. “Calm down, El. I’m just trying to save you from getting your heart crushed.” He hesitated, realizing he was lying, but he pushed that thought from his mind. “Anyway, I thought no woman was going to come between us.”

  “She isn’t coming between us,” said Elliot, his voice still surly. “Unless you got your eye on her.” He turned to Joshua and stared at him closely. “Come on, Josh. You think she ain’t my type. Give me a break. That woman ain’t one-night stand material.”

  Joshua started to argue with him regarding his intentions, but he thought better about it. “I’m not interested, El. Really. I like ‘em without attachments, that way I don’t feel guilty in the end.”

  Elliot laughed, the sound coming out forced. “That’s what I figured, but you been acting so strange lately.”

  Joshua shook his head. “It’s Terry, that’s all.”

  “Again?” said Elliot. “What now?”

  “Long story,” answered Joshua, lifting his stick and moving toward the table. He leaned over, taking aim.

  * * *

  They all sat at the table
eating pizza and drinking pitchers of beer. Elliot deliberately placed himself next to Elena at the far end of the table where it rested against the wall. He hemmed her in so well that she really couldn’t talk to anyone else. Joshua watched him drink another beer, then grab the pitcher, filling his own glass and then Elena’s.

  Joshua frowned, hating to see Elliot drinking so much. He had a habit of drinking more than his share. Many nights Joshua had dragged him up to his room, only to support him when he got sick. Even though Elliot only got silly when he was drunk, Joshua still hated it. It brought back too many memories of his biological father.

  Robert looked up from his plate and met Joshua’s stare. “He’s had enough, hasn’t he?”

  Joshua nodded. “Too much.”

  Robert looked down the table at his reeling friend. “Maybe I’ll walk him to the bathroom and take him outside for some fresh air.”

  “Be my guest. I think I babysat him the last time.”

  Robert turned to look at the clock over the bar. “It’s twelve already. Shit, I want to go home. Mae’s gonna be pissed when I come in this late.”

  Joshua leaned closer so he wouldn’t have to raise his voice over the music and the loud conversation around them. “Tell the others that you’re taking the limo and Elliot home.”

  Robert’s eyes shifted to the pool room where Michael and Ralph were playing against the two blond college women. “I don’t think they’re ready yet.”

  “Michael is. I’m sure his wife’s waiting for him same as Mae. Tell Ralph you’ll send the limo back for him.”

  Robert nodded. “Good idea.” He pushed himself to his feet and patted Elliot on the back. “Hey, pal, what’s say we head out?”

  Elliot looked up at the keyboardist with a sloppy smile. “It’s not even midnight yet, Bobby. What’s the hurry?”

  Joshua watched his friend. He’d been with Elliot enough to know he was dangling over the edge. In the next few minutes his happy stupor was going to become violent sickness.

  “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” said Robert.